One of the unfortunate characteristics of church life seems to be an aversion to piety. We value conformity in the practices of worship and the Christian life, and, in fact, this may be a more prominent factor in the choice of which church we attend than doctrinal distinctives. Piety, understood as holiness, is a deep […]
Read the rest of this entry »Author Archive
Other Side of the World
When we left for the mission field 42 years ago, we went by ship. It took us three weeks to get from America to Indonesia–time to leave the familiar behind and anticipate adjustments to a new culture. The jet age has radically diminished global distances so that in a matter of hours one can be […]
Read the rest of this entry »Traveling Lifestyle
Often when people asked me where we live I would reply, tongue-in-cheek, “Delta Airlines.” It often seemed we spent as much time in airports and on planes as we did at home. However, since retiring we have the margin to drive on most of the trips and enjoy the journey instead of rushing back to […]
Read the rest of this entry »Is the Lord Your Shepherd?
The 23rd Psalm is probably the most well known and most-quoted passage of Scripture. It is a beautiful exposition of God’s love and his provision and care for us as “the sheep of His pasture.” We relish the image of a caring shepherd totally devoted to our welfare and giving us assurance of eternal security. […]
Read the rest of this entry »Ramadan–So What?
Most Americans would be unaware that Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting, has begun. Many would only be casually aware that this is one of the five pillars of Islam; the date changes each year due to the lunar calendar but faithful adherents fast from dawn to dusk until the month concludes with the Feast […]
Read the rest of this entry »Rocky Mountain High
What a week! It has been a spiritual high as well as the actual altitude. We are enjoying participating in the international conference of Antioch Ministries International with 750 personnel from around the world and church plants in the U.S. Begun 15 years ago, Antioch Community Church in Waco, Texas set out to be a […]
Read the rest of this entry »Are You Forfeiting God’s Grace?
“I do not nullify the grace of God.” Galatians 2:21 Basic to the Christian life is the understanding that we are saved not by works or personal efforts to become righteous but by the grace of God. However, many fail to realize that we must live by grace as well; the strength and guidance for […]
Read the rest of this entry »Growing Grandchildren
No, this is not a follow-up post on my gardening and yard work. After reflecting on the excessive heat in the last post we did enjoy rain showers everyday this past week. It is hard to think of anything more relaxing than watching a summer rain while rocking on the back porch with a big […]
Read the rest of this entry »Flee, Follow and Fight
“Run from these things; but pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight for the faith.” 1 Timothy 6:11-12 We tend to simplify what it takes to live a successful Christian life. In the minds of most believers one is a good Christian if he goes to church, prays, does what […]
Read the rest of this entry »Truth or Perception?
The previous blog on the illusion of unity in the SBC stimulated a significant level of interest and response. I feel one of the reasons for lack of unity may be the tendency to judge one another on the basis of our perceptions rather than reality. Forgive the indulgence in personal reflection, but as one […]
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