It has been fascinating to read reports of record spending on Black Friday in the midst of a depressed economy. $52 billion was supposedly spent on retail purchases by shoppers during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend followed by record online spending last Monday. The question in my mind is, “Whose money?” Americans have developed a pattern […]
Read the rest of this entry »Author Archive
Celebrating Thanksgiving
It has been the rare occasion over the last 50 years when we were able to celebrate Thanksgiving with our extended families. Throughout the years we were overseas we had to alternate holidays with Bobbye’s family and mine during those infrequent holidays during our furloughs. Later, back in the States, we were able to gather […]
Read the rest of this entry »Will We Give Thanks on Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite seasons of the year. Unlike other holidays, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of hassle and activity involved. It is a down time after a busy fall when school and work accelerate the pace of life. Now most schools are dismissed for the week, but for others it […]
Read the rest of this entry »The IMB Moving On
While we are having no second thoughts regarding the decision to retire last year, it is gratifying to stay connected with the staff and work of the International Mission Board and to celebrate the continuing commitment to our global mission task. It was a privilege to participate in the inauguration of Dr. Tom Elliff as […]
Read the rest of this entry »Everyone is Important
Growing up in church, I can remember being challenged to memorize Scripture; in fact, one Sunday School teacher would expect each class member to quote a new verse each week. Somewhere along in our adolescence we began to choose verses that were apparently meaningless and even nonsensical. One of my favorites in the KJV was […]
Read the rest of this entry »Character Does Matter
Character, morals, integrity, values–does anyone know what these are anymore? You would think those in high profile public positions would especially be conscientious about life-style decisions and behavior. Can people really separate their private life from their public image and accountability? It has been beyond disappointing to see allegations of sexual harassment leveled at presidential […]
Read the rest of this entry »Fall is for Football
With the onset of fall and cooler weather I put on my Wrangler Jeans and looked for a pickup game of touch football with Brett Favre, who also recently retired to Mississippi. It was probably just as well we didn’t connect, and I had to resort to being a spectator with my favorite sport in […]
Read the rest of this entry »Dealing with Adversity
Contrary to the perception of many, Jesus never promised us a bed of roses. In fact, He alerted His disciples to the fact that: “In this world you shall have tribulation” (John 16:33). We readily succumb to the rational thinking of Jobʼs friends and advisors who attributed his suffering and misfortune to sin and punishment […]
Read the rest of this entry »Population: 7,000,000,000!
I would be surprised if anyone failed to note the news blurb that the worldʼs population reached seven billion people last month. That announcement probably was received with a passing yawn as insignificant trivia. Once numbers get so large they become meaningless. When we hear of budget deficits in the trillions of dollar, or stars […]
Read the rest of this entry »Fall Days at Home
Raking leaves has replaced mowing the grass. Mornings are too cool to enjoy that first cup of coffee watching the sunrise from the porch swing. And a blazing fire in the fireplace adds a delightful ambience as well as coziness in the evenings. It is good to be at home after almost constant travel over […]
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